to South Africa!
A land
where less then 3% of all homicides are prosecuted. [1]
A land
whose capital Johannasburg is also known as the murder capital of the world.
A land
whose president Jacob Zuma is married to 4 women. [3]
A land
in which 40% of all women will be raped during their lifetime. [4]
A land
where real income fell 40% in the 5 years after the fall of apartheid. [5]
apartheid ended in 1995 800,000 of the total 4 million Whites have fled the
country (20%). [7]
In fact,
a poll found that 20% of the entire current population of that country (of all
races and economic situations) expressed a desire to the flee the region. [7]
South Africa is disintegrating...and everyone knows it.
How did
this happen?!
Africa is hands down the most successful Black ruled country in the world.
of all the Black majority regions on earth South Africa was under White
supervision most recently. The Anglo-Boer White rulers of apartheid South
Africa nurtured and developed the country into
the most successful state on the continent. Today the efforts and
achievements of centuries of White work have been virtually erased in only 15
that suffers exposure to the Black race disintegrates The African continent, inhabited by the
Negroid, is a wild beast. The beast can be chained down and forced to submit
when ruled by White powers, but eventually it will break loose and devour every
civilized thing. It will swallow society, culture, and technology. Humanity is
lost in the shadow of the beast. The apartheid chains have been broken... the
dark brute is on the loose.
[1] http://www.ilanamercer.com/TheUglyTruthAboutDemocraticSouth%20Africa.htm
[2] http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/south-africa/121026/johannesburg-south-africa-williamsburg-brooklyn-hipsters
[3] http://abcnews.go.com/International/south-african-president-jacob-zumas-sex-scandal/story?id=9781141
[4] http://notestowomen.wordpress.com/2013/02/09/rape-in-south-africa/
[5] http://www.nber.org/papers/w11384
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