Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Can Blacks Sustain Western Civilization? Part III (Haiti & Japan)

            Perhaps someone will argue, ignorantly, that Africa is poor because of its geography, perhaps someone will argue that Detroit is ruined because of some kind of American racism. The same arguments cannot be used for Haiti.
            Haiti has the highest percentage of Black people in the Western Hemisphere; it is also the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere… coincidence? I think not.
            No one can blame climate/geography for Haiti’s failures, as the island sits right next to Puerto Rico, the most developed and wealthy country in all of Latin America. Puerto Rico is the Caribbean’s wealthiest country; does it come as a surprise to anyone, then, that it also contains the Caribbean’s Whitest population (White Haitians: 1%, White Puerto Ricans: 75.8%)?
Although Wikipedia is not always reliant the online encyclopedia opens its article on the Economy of Puerto Rico:
Despite its relatively small geographical area and limited availability of natural resources, Puerto Rico's productivity is exceptionally high, having the highest nominal GDP per capita in Latin America,’
I quote Wikipedia not because I get my information from that source, but to demonstrate that anyone can go online and research this information for themselves.
            Haiti’s population is 3 times larger than that of Puerto Rico’s. Haiti’s land area is 3 times bigger than that of Puerto Rico. Why, then, is Haiti’s total economic output less than 1/11ththat of Puerto Rico’s!?!
            Another argument used to excuse Africa’s poverty is that Black countries were under colonial rule up until the 1960s. If Whites had granted independence to Black countries earlier on than they would be better off today, so the argument goes. Haiti has been independent from colonial rule for 212 years. Puerto Rico has been free for 0 years! To this very day Puerto Rico is still ruled by a colonial power (United States), and yet it is light-years ahead of Haiti.
            One last note on Haiti. Haiti is a perfect example of how Marxist economics can’t be blamed for the failure of Black societies. Haiti has embraced the free market to such an extent that leftists routinely blame the countries poverty on capitalism, and yet the country remains in impoverished shambles.
            One might wonder what Japan has to do with Black people. The Japanese serve as a useful contrast to the stupidity of the Black race. Even though Blacks in America are still undeveloped 400 years after being introduced into civilized society, and Africa is still savage and chaotic even after being nurtured and instructed by the White man for over 150 years, the Japanese essentially recreated a version of Western civilization on their small island in the time between contact with the West and the era when the West could have conquered and colonized them.
            The Portuguese had been trading with the Black Africans for slaves since the 16th century the Africans, however, never developed technologies or learned anything from the superior Europeans. Africans remain in the most primitive state of man up until this present day. In 1954 American Commodore Matthew Perry anchored his armored battleship off the coast of Japan and forced the Japanese to accept trade with the Americans. Upon seeing the mammoth warship the Japanese realized they were in trouble. They understood that if they didn’t modernize rapidly they would quickly be dominated by the superior Americans. Unlike the barbarian Blacks, who never had any idea of developing in pace with the Europeans, the Japanese (who possess an average IQ equal to that of Whites) rapidly modernized to the point that only 50 years later they were capable of defeating the Russian Empire in the Russo-Japanese War, and establishing themselves as a kind of colonial power in the Far East. They did all of this modernization despite few natural resources and a small geographical land area. Only racially superior peoples, like Asians and Whites, are capable of sustaining what we now know as Western Civilization. Blacks will hopelessly continue to live within the ‘heart of darkness,’ as they have since time immemorial.
After reflecting upon history it is impossible to believe that any people group of Black racial ancestry is capable of sustaining White Western institutions, prosperity, and living standards. In three different situations: the modern post-White flight American city, post-colonial Africa, and colonial Haiti Blacks as a race have miserably failed to maintain White Western civilization. In every situation thriving and well constructed societies were simply given away to Blacks.
In the case of Detroit the entirety of arguably the most prosperous city within the most prosperous country was given away to the most prosperous Blacks in the world and within a couple of decades it has become a post-apocalyptic cesspool.
In Africa Europeans constructed entire workable modern societies from wild untamed wilderness (which wasn’t even listed on maps before the arrival of White colonizers). These White colonialists constructed something out of nothing and then gave what they had built back to the Black inhabitants as what one might rightfully call the largest free gift in world history. Within decades the Black populations, which were handed an entire continent, have all but destroyed Africa plunging it into chaos and forcing Whites to once again take up the dropped ball and feed billions of their starving children.
How can we imagine, after witnessing such catastrophic collapses of anything subjected to the Black races management, that any semblance of Western Civilization can be maintained by that people group?
Everywhere Blacks live they recreate Africa, whether its Haiti or Detroit. Giving our civilization over to the Blacks is like deciding that Africa (that nightmare) is the societal model of the future.
School children are always told that the reason they need to learn History is because‘those that do not know history are doomed to repeat it.’ The lesson of what White Westerners should not repeat has never been more clearly spelled out for them than when considering this situation. To leave America in the hands of minorities, and specifically Blacks, is nothing short of committing civilizational suicide.
            Their have been few people capable of summing up so neatly the threat that Blacks pose to American civilization than U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo:
If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman's blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro.’


  1. Where Blacks rule modern civilization goes downhill. Everywhere on the planet. And where there are mixed countries Blacks are always at the bottom of society. That race is thru evolution only adjusted to life in wild Africa and unsuited to western environments.

  2. Replies
    1. Proper use of "so" anticipates a "that" in the sentence. For example: "This is so incredibly [retarted] that it makes one scratch his or her head in astonishment"
