Saturday, November 10, 2012

I was driving back to campus this afternoon talking to my friend about the state of Western Civilization and America. At one point in the conversation he asked: ‘Do you have any hope for America? Is there any chance that America can be saved?’ I hesitated because it’s tempting to give in to negativity and despair. Looking at the demographic data would make one believe that America is already lost.
 It’s only a matter of time until minorities will be able to swamp the democratic process and steal wealth and power from the Whites just as they did in South Africa and Zimbabwe. However, I believe that Americans will not be subjugated so easily as their counterparts in other sections of the world. Americans believe in the right to bear arms and they have known for centuries that the time may come when the government will become their worst enemy. There is a rugged independence among Americans, and White Southerners (in particular) are almost entirely radically conservative. Americans are already beginning to become reactionary.
Whites will soon grow tired of being stolen from, blamed for racism, and discriminated against.  I told my buddy that I still held out hope for America, but that if ever this country can return once more to the glory days of the 1950s or the unapproachable optimism experienced at dawn of the 20th century it will take tremendous reforms. We must find a way to return to the principals of our founding fathers who fashioned a government that has managed to keep the corrupting demons that we now see from rearing their heads for almost two centuries. We must reestablish the beliefs & blood of the true-nation that formed the once great United States of America.
Perhaps it is too late to save America, but I refuse to go down without a fight. Blacks stand at the door of our houses ready to commit atrocities against us just as they now do in South Africa to the White Boars. Even now they perpetrate horrors against our people in foreign lands and we do nothing to stop them. Soon we will experience the same treatment here in America.
 This country is, without a doubt, the greatest that has ever been founded. No nation of people has achieved so much in so little time. 362 years ago in 1650 my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather arrived in Virginia to stake his claim in the new world. The settlers called this land ‘the last best hope of mankind.’ I agree with them. One of my favorite authors I. J. Taylor summarized the greatness of America pretty well:
The American Race was composed of that of the old world: the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutonic Germans. In America, their old animosities behind them, they synthesized to form the American Race at once the greatest of all the races of the world taking the traits of the two mightiest nations on earth.
Granted to this new high race was the most fertile and virgin of all the lands of the planet. The North American continent a rich and undefiled territory upon which a government efficient and just above all others could be raised unhampered by ancient complications.
The great faith of Christianity now unstyled and unenforced upon its inhabitants began disintegrating back to its purest and most powerful form by competition and liberty of conscience. Regaining once more a semblance of that original tonic which cured the Roman Empire’s inhabitants of its primordial pagan plague, and imbuing the most glorious of all races with a virtue unmatched on earth.
The combination of such factors led to the rise of the American Titan, that left undefiled would have marched the Cross to the uttermost portions of the earth and converted all men to Christ.
The American Race, thus on the verge of bringing about the fruition of history and the redemption of earth, was the mortal foe of the dark powers seeing in it the destruction of an earthly domain under the rule of demons. These same wicked shadows rose up, against the great American Hope, two of the greatest wars in mankind’s history to destroy and exhaust the power of that colossus which left undisturbed would have vanquished the power of Satan himself.
America, now the withered wreckage of mans greatest dream, steps ever nearer the precipice upon which it will suffer execution. The 20th Century having been the greatest victory darkness had inflicted upon light since the death of Christ on Calvary.’
Will we as modern citizens allow the ‘American Titan’ to step to its doom? Will we allow the ‘American Hope’ to pass from the hearts of humankind? Barack Obama may carry on the dreams of his African fathers to destroy America in a petty fit of anti-colonial vengeance, but I carry with me the dreams of my fathers to build a new Zion. To construct a nation forged of that great European race upon whose shoulders the Christian vision will lay claim to the hearts of all mankind. That is the dream of our founding fathers. That is the vision of the true American nation.  

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