Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gun Violence and Demographics

Ann Coulter
            It is true that America has a higher rate of gun murders then most other civilized countries on Earth. However, as Ann Coulter rightly pointed out on ‘Hannity’ this is a ‘demographic problem’… not a policy one. The White Caucasian population of America has the same level of firearm homicides as Belgium (a country which imposes sweeping gun bans). America’s high statistical rate of gun violence is greatly inflated by the presence of large numbers of Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims (groups statistically more prone to violent crime). If America’s population was demographically equivalent to Great Britain’s (or any other European country) the gun violence rates in America would easily be just as low.
            If anyone/anything should be blamed for gun violence in America it should be the government. Over the last few decades the US government has permitted millions upon millions of uneducated third world immigrants into the country. These new factions of Africans, Latinos, and Muslims have produced a thug culture within urban America which promotes and encourages the abuse of guns.
            The majority of White Americans live in the Suburban and Rural areas of the country. These areas are also home to the highest concentrations of firearms. However, despite the huge number of guns in the non-urban regions of the country only 25% of all gun related deaths occur in these areas. The majority of gun deaths occur in the inner-city (75%)…an area that contains few weapons. The primary difference between the suburbs and the cities is demographic makeup.
            The demographic nature of the gun violence problem can be viewed at the global scale. Murders, and especially gun murders, are highest in predominantly Black areas like Africa, and Latino areas like Mexico. The murder rates in predominantly White and Asian areas, like Australia and Japan, are diminutive.
            The media paints depressed White males as the culprits behind gun violence, and they use mass shootings to sell this picture. However, deaths resulting from mass shootings account for a microscopic number when compared to gang wars, or inner city violence. In fact, if one were to tally up all the deaths caused by mass shootings since 1982 the number would be equal to the number of homicides within the city of Chicago in only one year (2012)! However, many mass killings are committed by Blacks and Muslims like Kyle Ferguson and the Fort Hood shooter.
             Law abiding White populations in America should not be undermined as a result of irresponsibility amongst urban and immigrant factions within the country. Presently, the Obama regime is preparing 19 new Executive Orders designed to strip the right of White Americans to defend themselves (from criminals inside the government, and without). 

         Link to Coulter Talk:   Minorities and Gun Murder

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