Friday, January 25, 2013

Theatre of the Absurd

From Dawn to Decadence published in 2000 was written by famed 92 year old historian Jaques Barzun. The book argued that Western Civilization had reached the point of decadence… that the culture we had known for 500 years was finally ending. Within the book Barzun wrote: ‘when people accept futility and the absurd as normal, the culture has become decadent.’
            Within the last few weeks some of the most important leaders and economists of our time, including Paul Krugman, have been pushing for the creation of the so-called ‘trillion dollar coin.’ This piece of money, they argue, should be minted by executive order to allow Obama, and his Marxist allies, to spend more money America doesn’t have without fighting the Republicans in Congress over raising the dept ceiling. The logic behind minting such a coin is that because gold, silver, and paper are monitored by congress a platinum currency (like this coin) could be printed without any imput from representatives. Of course, simply cutting spending on our ‘Great Society’ is out of the question.
            If the trillion dollar coin wasn’t absurd enough numerous respectable online sites have reported that the leading candidate to adorn such a coin is one of the first monkeys sent into space.
            Perhaps the trillion dollar coin will never be minted. Perhaps the face upon it would not be that of a jump suit wearing ape. However, the fact that such an idea is apparently now mainstream is enough to descern that our civilization is on the verge of ruin. It is telling that we do not even see the absurdity in our own society anymore…we have reached the point of total depravity.
            Today Americans endorse as basic human truths such things as have never been accepted in the history of the human species!
            Today  the values of Multiculturalism, intra-ethnic diversity, and ‘tolerance’ have supplanted the Fruits of the Spirit.  But, never in the history of mankind has diversity been considered anything but the seed of civilizational annihilation. No multicultural society has ever existed in mankind’s history (and if one ever did exist it collapsed so quickly no one had the chance to record it).
            Homosexual marriage is now a basic ‘human right;’ which Obama supports. Never in the history of mankind has any society acknowledged homosexual marriage. Yet, despite 10,000 years of absence from human practice homosexual marriage is now openly idealized in nine American states, Canada, and half of Europe. 
            The idea that ethnic Blacks are as intelligent as Whites is now preached as gospel in modern America. If one had asserted such a thing in any civilized society prior to the 1960s one would have been laughed to scorn. Every piece of scientific data, historical precedent, and national statistic unequivocally proves that Blacks are less intelligent than Whites or Asians. This truth has been known for centuries, and yet we deny reality to live in a world of infantile playtime fantasy.  
            Obama’s second inaugural address to America in 2013 asserted Marxist redistribution as an economic policy. Modern Americans, swayed by Maoist rhetoric are pushing for higher taxes on the wealthy and more social handouts for the poor. Across Europe and America socialist Marxism is conquering the West despite the triumph of capitalism in the Cold War and not a single example of a successful sustainable Marxist model anywhere in the world…or anywhere in the annuls of human history.
            Today, not one European or North American country has a birthrate high enough to sustain its population. Western couples, caught up in a perpetual adolescence refuse to produce even two children. Every generation the populations of countries like Russia slice themselves in half. Western Civilization has lost the will to live. Many projections predict the White race will cease to exist by the end of this century. The greatest suicide in the history of man.
            Two days ago the U.S. military formally began putting women into combat positions. Only the semi-mythical Amazon women, and remote tribes in loin clothes have ever used women in war. Never in the history of mankind has such a thing been done by a stable civilized society.
            Neither has science escaped the greedy hands of decadence. Almost all major modern scientists, and 50% of Americans accept the Big Bang theory as fact, despite the reality that the theory has a fudge factor of 96%. Meaning that 96% of the ‘scientific’ universe is unknown…articulated only by references to ‘dark matter,’ a substance which has not produced one shred of evidence to assert its own existence.  50 years ago such a theory would have been discarded as unworthy of the paper it was printed on.
            Modern Americans are the richest and best educated people to have ever lived. Yet with all of their technology, wealth, knowledge they have failed to create lives their young people want to live.
            Currently nearly 20% of White teenagers take prescription anti-depressant drugs, and nearly 25% take drugs for ADHD. These youth, incapable of dealing with reality, are simply given pills to change their brain chemistry. Today even the universal but painful process of maturing (‘coming of age’) has been relieved by a simple pill. And yet, modern America is the land where 1 in 12 teenagers attempt suicide.
            Millions of American teenagers are now addicted to videogames. 41% of them state that they played explicitly to escape the real world. The average American household spends 6.4 hours of every day watching TV. When one adds in internet use it can be seen that Fahrenheit 451 has already arrived…reality is dead.
            With whole segments of the population utterly out of control the rate of Americans rotting in prison, with cable TV and nicely cooked meals, has risen 400% since 1925. American prisons are so overcrowded that California has to randomly release violent criminals to make room for fresh ones.
            With unprecedented and un-repayable dept mounting, millions of Spanish speaking peoples pouring across our southern border in the largest invasion in human history, our government so dysfunctional it hasn’t even passed a budget in years… America is on its death bed.
Morality is a thing of the past. Every civilized society in mankind’s history has valued abstinence from sex until marriage. Today only 10% of people are virgins on their wedding nights. Promiscuity rates have never been higher than now. Technology has created medications to eliminate STD’s, thanks to birth control nature is defied…sex no longer leads to pregnancy. The party can go on! Forever.
Never in history has a society such as 21st century America/Europe existed. Never before has wealth and technology allowed a group of people to become so removed from natural reality as the West has become. Americans and Europeans have forgotten everything that the human experience is supposed to mean.
At this moment the West stands at the zenith of human achievement. Modern America puts to shame the bread and circuses of Rome. Yet, the people are not happy. There was no blissful contentment at the end of the road of wealth…only boredom and apathy. Humanity has reached the point of affluence and control at which it is possible to live entirely within the absurd…where at last people do not have to look at reality - they can simply twist existence into whatever they see fit.
They have so much food they do not need to kill the poor darling cow, instead activists can fight for its rights and become vegetarians. America has such weapons that it can send women into battle and still crush anyone it chooses. Americans have social security checks instead of children to care for them in old age. People can move to a new massive house in the segregated suburbs if the Mexicans and Blacks invade their old neighborhoods. Pet owners take their dogs to the vet because now even they are gluttonously obese.
This civilization has been denying reality. For too long it has tried to produce an unsustainable utopia in the West - built on the squandered wealth accumulated over millennia by noble Christian ancestors.  Soon the West will be ripped to pieces by competing ethno-national factions willing to return to the foundations of human existence: religion, blood, history, language; having realized that this modern society of absolute debauchery is boring and meaningless.
            For as much as the Marxists, progressives, contemporary liberals, and egalitarians want to add another act to the performance of fraud utopia the plot-less play must end…soon no conscious person will be left sitting in the Theatre of the Absurd. 

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