Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Case for Secession

Hundreds of thousands of names have been submitted to the White House as Americans from all 50 states advocate secession. It’s about time for the Federal Government, and our ‘nation’s’ leaders, to consider how badly they’ve screwed this country up. In 1950 the United States of America was miles ahead of the rest of world in every possible measure: wealth, moral supremacy, education, etc. Fast forward to 2012 and the country is bankrupt, despised by the world, and has educationally fallen out of the top 10 nations (and every years sinks lower and lower).
The United States no longer produces anything, having shipped all of its manufacturing overseas. Middle class jobs are drying up and the wealth gap between rich and poor has increased extraordinarily in recent years. The intelligent Eurasian races now form a permanent upper class with Blacks and Hispanics forming a dysfunctional uneducated underclass. Consider that the average White family is worth 22 times more than the average Black family! The wealth gap will only amplify as racial diversity increases (which it most certainly will), a phenomenon that promises to pit race against race in a political process that will continue to be dominated by ethnic tension and class warfare. We cannot close the class/wealth/racial divide because we cannot make Blacks more intelligent and we cannot make Whites more stupid. If the present situation continues it is only a matter of time until the silent simmering race war explodes out upon our everyday lives.
The solution: split the country up along racial/ethnic/cultural lines. White Christians, centered in the South, no longer share a single thing in common (from food to religion to dialogue) with a Black resident of New York. Nations arise from a community’s interest in establishing political structures that will protect the values they cherish. It is not the job of the government to make us all ‘get along,’ or to force value systems down upon the very people who created it. The United States government has been in the business of engineering a multi-cultural society that none of its citizen’s desire. People want to live and associate with like minded people. Factions are always the cause of violence and conflict. Immigration and Civil Rights has destroyed the common heritage of the American people.
The Founding Father John Jay wrote that Americans were blessed to be: ‘a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs.’ Obviously, that condition has changed. Today none of the similarities that John Jay cited can be considered true. Americans today are divided by every possible measure. Christianity no longer dominates our system of laws and fewer and fewer Americans self identify by that religion. Millions of Americans speak Spanish, with no working knowledge of English, and soon Puerto Rico may become a Spanish only state. In 2042 America will have no majority race… much less majority ethnic group. Americans no longer clamor for small government, but rather 1/4th would have the government provide for them from cradle to grave.
Multi-culturalism was an admirable experiment, but recent science has rendered it absurd. It has been discovered that the races are not equal in intelligence and disposition. History has demonstrated that ethnic factions produce unbelievable genocide and power struggle. In recent years throngs of Blacks have begun attacking Whites and flash mobbing convenience stores. Trayvon Martin demonstrated that 5 decades after Civil Rights ended racial tension hovers beneath the surface ready to explode. It’s time to accept that ethnic/religious factions must form their own governments and stand sovereign over their own affairs. Pluralism is a losing proposition. It’s time for Western society to swallow its pride and accept that the human impulse towards ethno-nationalisms is a scientific reality that cannot be subdued.
- I. J. Talour

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