Thursday, November 8, 2012

With Barack Obama’s reelection it has become painfully obvious that America is no longer a single nation. The country is divided without hope of reconciliation. In the past political bickering had been isolated to fighting about the various methods in which the nation would obtain its accepted ends. Today, however, politics is a brawl between worldviews, with each faction in a struggle for conquest of a government that is no longer defined by a clear identity.
When America was founded over 230 years ago its enfranchised population was White and Christian. This population agreed on the purpose of life, the existence of the Christian God, the supremacy of White Western values, a Biblical foundation for laws, and small limited government. The American Republic was united in religion, race, and language.
Modern America is no longer a republic, but rather a democracy. Its enfranchised population includes members of every race, religion, language, and cultural group that can be found on earth. There is no longer a single attribute upon which all Americans agree.  We do not know what we stand for. Our identity has become the abstract meaningless word ‘diversity.’ We cannot even bring ourselves to agree upon what ‘marriage’ is – the most basic institution of any society.
American Devolution proposes that America break up into smaller countries along ethnic/cultural/religious lines, or that the old White Anglo Saxon Protestant ethnic group (and those associated with their purposes) rise up once more and revive America’s original purpose and identity.
Demographic trends ensure that a conservative candidate can never again be elected to the White House. Over 50% of the population is now reliant on government handouts, and the Hispanics and Blacks are growing as a share of the population. These constituencies always overwhelmingly vote for Marxist, anti-Christian, anti-White politicians.  
The United States of America is only sinking deeper into gridlock and resentment. The conservative Christian Whites, and their followers, are becoming more right wing even as the left wing minority’s combine with economic and cultural Marxists to forge a coalition determined to undermine them. This situation cannot continue. White Christians must rise and fight for a sovereign voice before they are submerged by a flood of antagonistic factions.

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