Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Truth About Martin Luther King

‘Dr.’ Martin Luther King Jr. is the greatest Black hero in history.  He is known around the world for his efforts to desegregate White society in the American South. There are statues of him in Westminister Abbey, Birmingham, and even on America’s national mall. He is the only Black to have a national holiday named after him. In Gallups list of most admired people of the 20th century MLK was second only to Mother Theresa. He’s even considered a saint by some religious groups. The reality, however, is that Martin Luther King Jr. was a moral degenerate and a hedonist. Few people understand the breadth of King’s disgusting behavior, and the vile soul he really possessed under all his supposedly inspiring speech.

      Martin Luther King Jr. is often regarded as a ‘Doctor of Theology.’ He obtained this degree from Boston University and was one of the first Blacks to be honored in this way. However, years later after King was dead Boston University recognized the reality that King had plagiarized over 50% of his dissertation from another author. If you were to look up King’s dissertation in the archives of Boston University you would find a little note from the University’s academic committee explaining that half of the work is a downright lie.
Journalist Theodore Pappas reviewed Kings school papers and summed up Kings plagiarized sentences (which was widespread throughout his work) by saying they: ‘are easy to detect because their style rises above the level of his pedestrian student prose. In general, if the sentences are eloquent, witty, insightful, or pithy, or contain allusions, analogies, metaphors, or similes, it is safe to assume that the section has been purloined.’ Martin Luther King was nothing more than a stupid low brow fraud who didn’t even have the intellect to write his own school papers. King’s robbery of other people work was common throughout his life. Pappas goes on to explain how virtually everything King is known for today was the work of other people:
King’s Nobel Prize Lecture was plagiarized extensively from works by Florida minister J. Wallace Hamilton; the sections on Gandhi and nonviolence in his ‘Pilgrimage’ speech were taken virtually verbatim from Harris Wofford’s speech on the same topic; the frequently replayed climax to the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech–the ‘from every mountainside, let freedom ring’ portion–came from a 1952 address to the Republican National Convention by a black preacher named Archibald Carey; and the 1968 sermon in which King prophesied his martyrdom was based on works by J. Wallace Hamilton and Methodist minister Harold Bosley.’

      Martin Luther King Jr. was a communist. Many of his advisors were communist operatives including: highly ranked KGB agent Victor Lessiovsky, Aubrey Williams, James Dombrowski, Carl Braden, William Melish, Ella J. Baker, Bayard Rustin, Benjamin Smith, Stanley Levinson, and Hunter Pitts O’Dell.
MLK knew very well that he was associating with communists because President Kennedy himself confronted him on the issue. Historian David Garrow wrote about one of Kings conversations with the Marxist C.L.R. James:
King leaned over to me saying, ‘I don’t say such things from the pulpit, James, but that is what I really believe.’. . . King wanted me to know that he understood and accepted, and in fact agreed with, the ideas that I was putting forward–ideas which were fundamentally Marxist-Leninist. . . . I saw him as a man whose ideas were as advanced as any of us on the Left, but who, as he actually said to me, could not say such things from the pulpit. . . . King was a man with clear ideas, but whose position as a churchman, etc. imposed on him the necessity of reserve.’
King’s ties with Communist Party USA eventually led Robert Kennedy to authorize Jay Edgar Hoover to secretly wiretap him.

     Martin Luther King Jr. was a sex addict and adulterer. King was married and had several kids, but while off spewing his ideology to the masses he spent his evenings engaged in wild sex parties with random women he met after preaching the Holy Scripture.
Because of the wiretaps installed at Robert Kennedy’s approval the FBI recorded hours upon hours of his nightly sexual escapades.
On January 6th 1967 one of the wiretaps captured the audio from a wild night long orgy in which at one point MLK screamed out ‘I’m F*cking for God!’
Martin Luther King’s best friend Ralph Abernathy recorded that King had sex with a member of the Kentucky State Legislature who is now known to be the first Black female member of that states governing body, Georgia Davis Powers.
King is quoted as excusing his animalstic behavior by saying ‘I’m away from home twenty-five to twenty-seven days a month. F***ing’s a form of anxiety reduction.’ King’s private language with his friends was especially crude and degrading. One FBI tape caught King telling Abernathy: ‘Come on over here, you big black motherf*cker, and let me suck your d*ck.’ On the day of JFKs funeral King, the greatest Black spiritual leader in history, responded to Jacqueline Kennedys emotional collapse by saying: ‘Look at her. Sucking him off one last time.’ Martin Luther King Jr. was such a despicable animal that in seeing a wife mourn her slain husband all he could think of was a sex act. 

      Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t a Christian. The so called Baptist preacher denied Jesus’ resurrection, the Virgin Birth, and even the divinity of Christ himself. In his seminary papers he suggested that we ‘strip them [afore mentioned doctrines] of their literal interpretation.’ He wrote that Christ was only God in that people ‘found God in him.’ And said that the virgin birth could not be accepted. As he stated:
First we must admit that the evidence for the tenability of this doctrine is to [sic] shallow to convince any objective thinker. How then did this doctrine arise? A clue to this inquiry may be found in a sentence from St. Justin’s First Apology. Here Justin states that the birth of Jesus is quite similar to the birth of the sons of Zeus. It was believed in Greek thought that an extraordinary person could only be explained by saying that he had a father who was more than human. It is probable that this Greek idea influenced Christian thought.’
Of the resurrection he wrote: ‘In fact the external evidence for the authenticity of this doctrine is found wanting.’
No one can call themselves a Christian and deny the very doctrines upon which every tenet of that faith is constructed.
      There is no groundwork upon which Martin Luther King’s virtue can be founded. He was nothing more than an unbelieving, anti-American, fraudulent, debauched, adulterer. He was disloyal to Christ, his own wife and children, and the United States of America.

Subscript - While we’re at it we might as well mention that Al Sharpton has been recorded by FBI agents arranging a cocaine drug running operation into the United States. Jesse Jackson, a fellow civil rights ‘hero,’ claims to be a Baptist pastor but he also cheated on his wife and fathered an illegitimate daughter with one of his co-workers.


  1. You spelled plagiarism wrong. Also there are no sources cited, and many, MANY grammatical errors.

  2. If the man is guilty, I subject his efforts & sacrifice as a redemption.

  3. JFK was a flawed human being too, but we are ALL sinners - are we not? I forgive JFK for being a Bilderberger elitist, and MLK for being a tool of Marxism, because they both changed at the end of their lives, and sacrificed themselves for humanity!!

  4. This letter was written by a klansman I knew this guy and boy could he lie.
