Monday, November 12, 2012

What the Black Race Has Never Done

Because 13% of the contemporary multi-cultural American population consists of those of Black African ancestry it is important to assess whether that population is capable of participating in an advanced civilized Republic. It has been established by intelligence scientists that IQ is inherited so let us evaluate the history of Black accomplishment.
Because Blacks have so little history and so few accomplishments to their credit it becomes almost necessary to describe their miserable incompetence by what they did not create. This is the only way to communicate the depth of their inability to the average contemporary mind. 
No Black society has ever created a written language. There’s an old adage ‘there is no African history.’ That adage is correct because no Black civilization ever developed the concept of writing, and thus could not record the events that happened to them. The history of the Black race begins only when White explorers document their own dealings with the Black natives they encounter. Today African governments use written language systems that were created for them by Whites who needed some way to rule them in the aftermath of imperial conquest.
No Black society ever created a non-animistic religion. The ‘religion’ of Africa is animism. Animism, however, is not actually a religion in the typical understanding of the word. Africans have simply never escaped the human infant’s assumption that all things are like themselves and thus Black Africans believe that mud, cockroaches, and rats all have spirits just like they do. All human babies are born animistic and thus African ‘religion’ is simply a fancy way of saying that the Black mind never metaphysically matured out of the toddler state.
No Black society ever developed a form of government besides primitive chiefdoms and big man structures. There are no great African dynasties or complex rights based political systems because power in Africa was based entirely on brute force and strong men. Even though modern historians try to say that there were African ‘Empires’ they were not even worthy to share the same definition as the likes of the Roman or British Empire.
No Black society ever managed to create or use the wheel. Although it seems astounding, Blacks never even invented the wheel. The invention of the wheel is mockingly alluded to in comic strips and illustrations every day. The wheel inventor is always portrayed as a cave man or a Neanderthal. I guess by our societies own admission Blacks are lower than cave dwellers.
No Black soceity ever domesticated a single animal. Despite Africa abounding with various types of cattle and large grazing herbivores, Africans never domesticated any type of animal. While 4,000 years ago the Biblical patriarchs were wandering around with herds of camels, sheep, and goats the Black Africans were chasing down water buffalo with stone spears, not having the slightest idea they might be able to tame such creatures.  
No Black society ever grew crops. The Blacks of Africa never invented agriculture. They never learned how to domesticate vegetation for food. Africans only learned of rudimentary agriculture after Europeans arrived.
No Black society ever invented any kind of calendar or date system. They literally lived without any concept of time whatsoever.
No Black society ever constructed a two story building. Before Europeans arrived no structure built by the Black Africans stood above one story, and no structure was constructed of anything but mud (even beavers build mud dwellings).
No group of Blacks ever traveled out of sub-Saharan Africa or created a sea worthy ship. While some Blacks were captured and dragged off by Arabian and European slave traders there is no free exploration of Blacks outside of Africa. While the tiny Norse nations were setting up colonies half way around the globe in modern day America by the year 1000, no group of Blacks ever made it to Madagascar!
Even to this present day, despite intensive excavations of Africa by archeologists no great Black accomplishments have been discovered. Blacks have no history. The concept that Blacks ever even had a ‘civilizations’ is misleading. Civilization implies some kind of order; it implies some kind of culture. What kind of culture can one really have without a real religion, writing system, or technology? Civilization implies that a people group wears something other than animal’s skins, and lives in something other than dirt huts.


  1. thank you. i always thought this was the case. black people always struck me as closer to monkeys than human. call me racist, i don't care. that's just the way it is.

    1. Yes, unlike contemporary pseudoscienceS. Genuine scientific inquiry does tend to be what simpletons such as yourself term as racist.

    2. Yes, unlike contemporary pseudoscienceS. Genuine scientific inquiry does tend to be what simpletons such as yourself term as racist.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. One thing blacks do well though is commit crime!
      Thoroughly controlled by Jews!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a pretty good list. Elsewhere you should deconstruct a few of the ridiculous counterarguments, explain where, when and from whom, certain tribes acquired what few rudimentary technologies they have yet to forget. To this day aid workers are still teaching the savages to bake bricks.

  4. Serious question: what about the Ethiopians? I do not know about all they have accomplished, but I do know that they done around 80% of the things you listed that no black race has ever done. Other than that, this was very informative.

    1. Good argument,

      Unfortunately, Ethiopians confirm exactly the non-existent black IQ and civilization, Ethiopians are not blacks, they are a mixed people (half black-half caucasian) and their language is Semitic and akin to Berber, Egyptian, Arabic.

      The only subsaharan civilization was built by the only half-caucasian sub-saharan population.

      Just look at Ethiopians, you will understand.

    2. Good example, but Ethiopians are precisely not blacks.Ethiopians are a mixed-race people, half-caucasian half-black, and their language is Semitic, akin to Berber, Egyptian, Arabic and Hebrew.

      The only subsaharan civilization was built by the only half-caucasian subsaharan people.

      This only proves the low Black IQ and the non-existent black ability for civilization.

    3. Classical history states upper ethipoia were whites and below there do not go for there are blacks wild with nappy hair wide nosed who will murder you don't go there said the Greek author
      The blacks of coarse killed them raped them and stole their civilaztion. That's why they are lighter skinned in Ethiopia many sources for this
      Just like if blm took over America ripped down our statues and said they built America in 200 years you would think this is true it would be a mulatto country

    4. Which Greek author said that? Send sources, I doubt what you said is true.

    5. Diodorus Siculus - Loeb classical library volume 2, books 2.35 - 4.58. He states that there were different tribes of the Ethiopians. Those that were white and civilized did not differ from the rest of mankind(caucasians) while others were black skinned with flat noses and wooly hair. He states "As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in light of our own customs." He also states that most of the black Ethiopians would never wear any type of clothing. They were naked like wild animals. I have no doubt that the white Ethiopians eventually mixed themselves out of existence. Some probably moved away when their community became a majority black and even before. History indeed repeats itself. White flight is not a new thing. Our white race better wake up soon or we'll be relegated to the history books too. Actually we won't be because with us gone the non whites will eventually degenerate back to not having a written language. Wake up brothers and sisters. Check out if you're ready for the whole truth of who we truly are.

    6. Diodorus Siculus was a Sicilian Greek historian who lived from 90 to 21 BC. He wrote, a world history in 40 books, ending it near the time of his death with Caesar’s Gallic Wars, entitled Bibliotheca Historica ("Historical Library"). Below is an account from Book III. Ancient Greek historians such as Herodotus and Diodorus used the word Aethiopia(Αιθιοπία) to refer to the peoples living immediately to the south of ancient Egypt, specifically the area now known as the ancient Kingdom of Kush, now a part of modern Nubia, as well as all of Sub-Saharan Africa in general.
      "Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the first of all men and the proofs of this statement, they say, are manifest. For that they did not come into their land as immigrants from abroad but were natives of it and so justly bear the name of "autochthones" (sprung from the soil) is, they maintain, conceded by practically all men... And they say that they were the first to be taught to honor the gods and to hold sacrifices and processions and festivals and the other rites by which men honor the deity; and that in consequence their piety has been published abroad among all men, and it is generally held that the sacrifices practiced among the Ethiopians are those which are the most pleasing to heaven."

  5. What about Australian Aborigines? They are different than Africans but Blacks and there are some real Black ones on Islands off of India but they could be descendants from slaves. There is evidence that Aussie types where everywhere when we Whites came into being. We always had to fight for land.

    1. What about them, they're not Africans nor are they genetically closely related or contains similar elements with that of the peoples of the African continent, in fact there more genetically related to you Whites than to African peoples, also why skip over subcontinent of India and focus on the Sentinelese islanders? Literally the vast significant of India's population, if not the majority are as much Black if not Blacker than most African populations and no the Africans that i'm referring to that are slightly lighter than most African peoples are not mix raced, aka the logic that Blacks need whites to have lighter skin tones or look the way we do. Also, I can rest assure you that they're indigenous to the islands and are not Africans but Asians, thus they are are as much South Asians as these folks on the mainland:

      In fact most of these South Asians crania fits the Negroid category in your own Eurocentric literature but that besides the point.

    2. There are three races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Physical anthropology and forensic science demonstrate that these racial distinctions can be ascertained by examining the remains of human bones. Americans from south of the US border often combine the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races.

  6. Ridiculous racist dribble. Heres something from the writings of European explorers themselves

  7. No written languages really? Amharic and Ge'ze (the languages of Ethiopia)

    1. Google images of Ethiopians. Clearly the Ethiopians are a mixture of African and Caucasian.

    2. There are not Caucasian, nor are they a mixture of Caucasian, there indigenous to the African continent no racial intermixing played a role in how Ethiopians and nearby populations got their physical appearance. Africans are the most genetically diverse group of people on the face of the Earth, more diverse than any other people, including Whites combined, there are variation between Africans how they look, as well with other populations around the world, admixture played no role, or at least admixture your referring to. The racial term Caucasian, Negro, and Mongolian are outdated terminologies and anthropologists have since abandon them, also the term Caucasian itself did not include other populations with similar features, only those of the White race, thus where it got it's name from the Caucasus region. Finally, you are confusing genetics with race which is not biologically reality. Most Eastern African populations do contain Southwestern Asians ancestry, but so do most Central, South, and West African populations, but only some and at insignificant percentage. Compare to Northeastern Africans(excluding modern Egypt)the percentages of Western Asian DNA in Northeastern Africans are highly moderate and significant but still not significant enough to make them less or non-African. The region got this is that Northeastern Africa is positioned where human beings later disperse out of most of the African continent and transitioned into Asians, so they are highly related to Asians the same way they are with Africans. Also, most of the gene flow from the Middle East to Eastern Africa is fairly recent than most, the earliest examples traces back as far as 30,000 years ago, while recent examples of this is literally just during the Muhammadean era. Despite this, the back-flows did not singnificantly made the Africans into non-Africans, also, this in itself was not one-sided. You had multiple migrations out of Africa, one through the Arabian peninsula at most Ancient periods(Humans expanding across the globe, the Mesolithic/Neolithic and Iron/BronzeAge, pre-Muhammadean and post-Muhammadean times), another through the Levant( Human dispersion, Mesolithic/Neolithic and Iron/Bronze age, Greco-Roman, and Islamic periods, as well recent times), and through the Iberian peninsula(Mesolithic/ Neolithic age, Phonecian/Roman expansion, Moorish age, and Triangular trade, and again just recently). These migrations impacted and significantly change the genetic makeup of these regions, as well as culturally, technologically, and economically impacted them, but with Asians impacting the Africans it did not effectly made Southwestern Asians and Iberians into Africans. The migration via the Levantine from the Nile Valley during the Mesolithic/Neolithic significantly culturally, technologically and genetically influence the habitants of the Levant and Asia Minor that it most probablity gave rise to agriculture as well as influencing the the inhabitants the Aegean, including the Hellenes, this likely took place in modern Sudan. There's likly a migration from the Nile Valley into the Arabian peninsula as technological advances in hunting gathering equipment influenced the area. Also, one need to keep in mind that these migrations were at it's height since Humans walked out of Africa, very Ancient especially when regarding Southwestern Asia. People needsto understand that early and even ancient Southwestern Asians to some extent did not necessarily resemble the contemporary modern inhabitants of what we now call the Middle East. They were similar to a vast variations of modern Africans, South Asians, and even Oceanic populations, but to some extent as they were their unique group after all. So the idea that these back-flows manage to physically or racially affect Ancient Africans is very ludicrous, as they did not resemble most modern Middle Easterners and were themselves racially indistinguishable and indifferent from the Africans the intermixed.

    3. Noone is reading all that several classical histories literature all state Ethiopian people were WHITE over and over if you look at a map you can see all around the river were European culture as usual blacks raped and murdered everyone light skin is not a natural African trait such morons. Mulottos are everywhere now including Muslims Arabs India etc All conquered by white blue eyed gods all the indiginous people wrote about ships coming blonde hair tall gods teaching them fire the wheel and if he basics then the darkys feel jealous and kill off the so called gods
      China India Ethiopia south america Haiti and so on
      Read classical and ancient history it's stuck on repeat via the jews influence in the parasitic cultures they creat diversity is a failure fotever

    4. Jared you like to hear yourself talk and read what you say don’t you?


    1. The Atlantic Black Star posts articles written by con artists such as "Dr" Clyde Winters. "Dr". Clyde Winters is an African-American black supremacist crank. He is a proponent of Afrocentric historical revisionism, the racist melanin theory and other pseudoscience. His listed[2][3] academic credentials include:

      1973 - B.A., Sociology/History (University of Illinois)
      1973 - M.A., Social Science (University of Illinois)
      1994 - M.S., Education (Chicago State University)
      2000 - Ph.D., Educational Psychology (Loyola University)

      None have anything to do with genetics or deciphering ancient scripts in which he claims to be an expert. Winters says he is "Professor of Education, Anthropology and Linguistics, Uthman dan Fodio Institute (UdFI)", as well as a "Faculty Member, Archaeogenetics", an "Associate Professor" and "Director" at the same institute.[4] The problem is this institution with an archaeogenetics department does not exist. Records show the UdFI is a private home school in Chicago, which only has a history of enrolling and teaching African-American students of the 8th grade (13 - 14 year olds).[5] UdFI's staff or faculty members all seem to be one person: Clyde Winters. The private school also appears to be his own house.

      Stephen Howe, Professor of History and Cultures of Colonialism, University of Bristol has noted:

      The tendency to claim or imply grand-sounding academic careers and affiliations seems to be quite widespread among Afrocentrists. He refers to Clyde Winters as an example.Howe, Stephen. (1998). Afrocentrism: Mythical Pasts and Imagined Homes. London: Verso. p. 261.
      Winters has resorted to further trolling on the Egyptsearch forum and has posted King James I of England was "Black".

    2. Yep all tall tales written by low iq dreamers with no proof.
      Only what whites gave them then blacks later destroyed, like farming it's just too much organized work for an African!
      Look at Haiti 1600s after the French created blacks later destroyed it, now it's little shithole Africa again with remnants of French cultures and structures that Haitians will claim they built and whites stole their history! such low iq Bullshit anyone with half a brain can see right through the Africans stoner high as fuck drug induced fantasies








    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The supposed connection of King Tut's DNA as related to Ugandans, is controversial for numerous reasons. This silicone-skinned bust is billed as the most accurate forensic reconstruction ever of ancient Egypt's Pharaoh Tutankhamun. It was based on recent 3-D CT scans of the mummy of the "boy king," who is believed to have been about 19 when he died some 3,300 years ago.

      Led by Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, a National Geographic Society team commissioned French experts to create the lifelike bust. Using the CT scans (see "King Tut Mummy Scanned"), French forensic anthropologist Jean-Noël Vignal determined the basic measurements and features of Tutankhamun's face. Vignal deduced that Tutankhamun had a narrow nose, buck teeth, a receding chin, and Caucasian features. Such features are typical of European, North African, Middle Eastern, and Indian peoples.

    3. Nonsense as the DNA company that conducted the analysis on the remains of some of the royal members of the 18th dynasty(Tutankhamen, Amenhotep iii, and the proposed mummy of Nefertiti were some of the mummies tested by the way) were allowed to conduct DNA samples on Ramses iii, also before the company could even get their hands on the mummies there were another DNA company called DNA Consultants that conducted DNA analysis on Tutankhamen, the mummy proposed to be Akhenaten, and his grandmother Thuya, all of which was under the supervision of Zahi Hawass himself. Also regarding the reconstruction there was a Australian team a couple years back who did a reconstruction of the boy king and Nefertiti and they look what they should instead of being an bastardized versions mongrel Whites.

      Nefertiti's early reconstruction:

      Tutankhamen's early reconstruction:

      Also, here are DNA Tribes results on the 18th dynastic mummies:

      DNA Tribes analysis on Ramses iii remains and another individual:

      DNA Consultants analysis on Tutankhamen's remains:

      Thuya's analysis:

      Akhenaten's remains:

    4. How about the long straight red and blonde hair white noses etc DNA has proved they were white
      Then again in 500ad blacks killed and raped all the whites left! blacks were always depicted as slaves until the slaughter began and that is when Egypt fell! As usual blacks didn't build Egypt so they could never keep it up now it's in ruins! thanks blacks another civilaztion ruined by you... America is next but this time we will stop it! You will not takeover America


  17. Black people aren't monkeys black people are just as intelligent or even more intelligent then the neighboring race if we didn't have certain rays of light there wouldn't be any color but white so how could a couple of rays describe someone's level of intellect? - The Black Girl

    1. I agree black people aren't monkeys or related to then whatsoever but they are the least intelligent race. "black people are just as intelligent or even more intelligent then the neighboring race" from the Black girl. All this shows is your lack of intelligence. That statement makes no sense. You clearly don't know the difference between "then" and "than". Idiot.

    2. *them not then. Unlike you I correct my grammar.

    3. Africa 70iq considered mentally retarded
      Blacks in america 80iq because of all the white blood mixed in. the military proved this with thousands of tests long ago.
      Smaller brain theory was proven as well the skulls volume was assumed for Millennium now backed by science sorry but it's just true

  18. Songhai, Ghana and Mali. For starters.

    Lol, lack of knowledge makes some truly pathetic and weak.

    1. You mentioned 3 ancient civilizations that were not created by blacks. I know the most about Ghana, which was rich in gold & salt; these things had little value to native Africans it was others that came to the region and changed it. This is pretty accurate - you have to really dig deep ; every time a region in Africa grew it was due to outside people coming in and teaching or colonizing it. Sorry just reality. And b y the way, that doesn't make Ancient Africans inferior, its just truth.

    2. What people don't understand that all of black Americans have some European dna in them from both races mixng so yes black people can be as smart as whites n Asians if the shoe fits wear it

    3. You are biased, England developed due to Romans colonising it yet do you talk about it? Also WHO started the Ghana empire that was black. Don't speculate, give specifics. Tell me who started those 3.

    4. Blacks do not have European DNA as Africans preceded Europeans in evolution. There used to be a T-shirt worn by some blacks that read: What did Africa give to the world? Humanity. I don't see that race itself suggests inferiority/superiority as each racial group has a general inclination to excel in different areas but there are outliers in all racial categories.

  19. todo mundo sabe que foram os negros que inventaram a roda e o aço.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Truth is gonna hurt a lot of people

  22. This hilarious to me for so many reasons. I am Nigeria so I know my culture. In my area of Nigeria, the South we had a few kingdoms before the Europeans came. I am igbo and we were farming Yam, cassava etc so farming is outside the question. Also we were doing metallurgy in intricate forms since before 0 AD. Also next to us was the kingdom of Benin which had swords, armies etc before the Europeans. Next in the North of Nigeria, the Bornu and the Mali Empire had long used camels horses etc which were domesticated. Finally you guys use the bell curve to try and say that we have low iQ yet many of us due to statistics clearly have high iQ. Finally if iQ is the problem, drag out all low iQ whites and treat them as subhuman before you do it to us.

  23. Your rebuttal is hilarious to me, Unknown, for it is rather puzzling. You claim that on the enormous continent that is Africa, evidence of more sophisticated civilizations existed long before the European colonists came. I understand your need to rectify this historical misrepresentation. I am of Norse Gaelic descent and I appreciate how prejudices and myths can cause generational wounding. The Vikings have wrongfully been portrayed as brutal heathen savages whereas they had an advanced complex culture that featured such things as egalitarianism, rich contributions to literature, brilliant and astounding engineering and designing craftsmanship, the strength to withstand frigid Northern climes, as well as "rap battles" that pre-dated 20th century hip-hop by centuries. The Norse have always been ahead of their times.
    It is further curious to me that you refer to us as "you guys" which is US idiom and that you mention The Bell Curve. That book was published over 20 years ago and has been roundly and enthusiastically dismissed. How would you even know of such a book except by being exposed to its reputation by dint of the international social justice warrior community. Are you also familiar with Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man and Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel? I think you might enjoy reading them as they properly give whites the comeuppance they deserve.

  24. “No black society has ever created a written language”

    African holds the world’s most ancient written languages
    May 26, 2015 by GloriaUNweke

    Africa has the world’s oldest and largest written languages known to mankind, a long ancient history of written language and graphic history, which is today part of a broader global history of literacy. The continent has contributed substantially to the global history of written languages of today, which has largely been ignored.

    Examples of ancient writing in Africa are the Ge’ez script of Ethiopia, the most ancient African script still in use, the Nsibidi of Nigeria, Adrinka of the Akan people of Ghana, the Tifnagh of the Tuareg people, and Val and Mende of Liberia and Sierra Leone,( evidence of its Liberian/Sierra Leonean age date from Goundaka, Mali, that date to 3000 B.C). Scripts from the Proto Saharan of The Sudan, Aire Soroba of Mali, and many others.

    For thousands of years, Africans artists have included writing and graphic symbols into their art, and created some works of art which show genius, in objects dated from ancient times. Even today, African artists still use a diffusion of different forms of letters, words and symbols to create meanings which go back historically and merge ancient with modern.

    In art work, politically, socially, and culturally, art work often had scripts/symbols to show how power acquired through the development of specialized knowledge and skills, such as healing with herbal medicine, could assist communication with the spirit world. Artists for example used symbolic materials to show power and to tell stories of ancient times.

    Ancient Nsibidi of SE Nigeria also in SS Nigeria and W.Central Africa (5000BC)
    Ancient African writing is the oldest system of writing in the world, pre-dating European, Greek, by at least 2000 years respectively. Nsibidi and most other written African languages are known to have developed outside Arab, or European influences.
    The oldest written scripts ever discovered are what called Proto Saharan, found by the Kharga oasis in what was known as Nubia in present day Sudan, so called by archaeologists. It dates from about 5000BC. Greek was not fully in use until 1400BC and Asian languages until 3000BC, African languages are several centuries older than Asian written forms.
    Ancient Akan of Ghana called Adrinka

  25. Source:
    The dominance of colonialism and European languages, taught that Africa had no written languages, that African civilization was inferior, less refined, amongst other things, until they, the Europeans arrived on our shores; this is far from the truth. Africa has the world’s oldest and largest collection of written languages, known to man! This also goes to dispel the notion that Africa was uncivilised or barbaric before the Westerner came.
    Dr Clyde Winters, the author of the Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia confirms that there was an Ancient civilisation in ancient Africa which pre-dates Asian civilizations, known as the Proto Saharan in Nubia present day Sudan. These languages were very well developed and were often used by priests and secret societies.
    Examples of this developed system of writing range from inscribing the body, sacred scripts and depictions of works of art. In sacred scripts, graphic inscription and specialist forms of writing were usually done by highly trained practitioners such as healers who healed with herbal medicine, poets, or orators as Africans know them, scribes and so on.
    What I’ve stated above shows that African have a rich history to celebrate and take pride in. Africans have to look to our rich and varied past, not just our art, and oral history to find a source and basis for our development and progress, but also learning from others about how we can reclaim that which has been lost, only then will we form a basic foundation for moving forward.
    As the saying goes,” if you don’t know where you come from, you can’t know where you’re going.” “Know a man’s history and you know the man”. Asians have as we all know; a very well developed and continuous written language systems, but African languages as we can see are older than theirs! What does this mean for us, as a people?
    Written language is the vehicle for continuous self expression, learning, growth, achievement. It binds people together, breaks down barriers, is a vehicle of communication, and so on and its potential is huge! We can all see the benefits of social media, books, libraries, schools and universities, as sources of knowledge, which can be defended or refuted, as the case may be, and what they achieve.
    In order to take pride in ourselves and to truly develop we must investigate our past and teach our children to do the same. We had a well developed ancient medical, social, political, economic, cultural and traditional systems, our ceremonies, festivals, markets, civilizations, social norms, and history all come alive and are truly exciting, so we should investigate them, but have we dug into and used them?.

  26. Look at our ancient medical systems for example, westerners have used and are still using our ancient traditional knowledge systems, and making a fortune from them, something we should be doing, if we had our heads well screwed on. Unless we are willing to make the effort, we will end up going on a merry go round to nowhere, we won’t develop politically, socially or economically, and we will continue to be used/exploited by others.
    Men and women of wisdom and true intelligence, (intelligence is not just about book work) will always seek to know about their past and use what they have found to achieve growth as a people.
    This is a challenge to all of us Africans! Its time we awoke from our slumber and challenged all those who seek to dehumanize us by insinuating that our history is inferior. They do this because it suits Westerners political agendas of exploitation.

    The earliest evidence we have for religious faith anywhere in the world is from Blombos Cave in South Africa, where people may have been using red ochre for funerals about 100,000 years ago.
    More about Blombos Cave
    All our Africa articles
    Around 6000 BC, people put up standing stones in East Africa (modern Sudan). These stones may have marked the changing seasons. Maybe the standing stones at Nabta Playa showed people when to hold important religious ceremonies.
    African religions in the Bronze Age
    Ancient Egypt: In Egypt, by 3000 BC people were already worshipping Isis, Osiris, Ra, and the Amen. Further south in Sudan, the Kushites seem to have also worshipped these gods, along with their own gods, Apedemak and Sebiumeker. Some Nubian gods, like Bes, seem to have travelled north from Sudan to Egypt too.

    The people of the Mali Empire believed in a magical force called "nyama."
    The religious beliefs of Africans impacted all aspects of their everyday lives including their food, work, and family life.
    They believed in both good and bad spirits. Good spirits would protect them, while bad spirits could make them ill or make them misbehave.
    In the dry areas of Africa, certain priests would specialize as "rain-makers." They would drive away bad spirits that may have caused a drought and ask for help from good spirits on how they could make it rain.
    Although many Africans today identify with Christianity or Islam as their religion, many of them still participate in traditional African rituals.
    Some traditional beliefs and rituals from Africa spread to the Americas in places like Brazil and Cuba.

    “No black society has ever developed a form of government”
    A polycentric legal system, called Xeer developed exclusively in the Horn of Africa more than a millennium ago and is still widely used by the Somali people. Under this system, elders serve as judges and help mediate cases using precedents.[2] Xeer is a good example of how customary law can work in lieu of civil law, and is a good approximation of what is thought of as natural law. Several scholars have noted that even though Xeer may be centuries old, it has the potential to serve as the legal system of a modern, well functioning economy.[3] [4] [5] The Xeer also shows how influential a system of laws can be with regard to the development of a culture. According to one report, the Somali nation did not begin with the common use of the Somali language by the Somali clans, but rather with the collective observance of Xeer.

    1. Do you live in a world of fantasy blacks have done nothing absolutely nothing you have no history just like this guy says!!

      You have no black inventors a scientist! Go back to Africa & prove blacks can make it without whites!

      Black screwup 2 car funerals!!

    2. Cope u did nothing but throw insults and not argue back with any logic

  27. technology was not completely unknown. There were also chariots routes across the Sahara in antiquity, so it's not like some Africans haven't been aware of the technology for a long time.

    “No black society has ever domesticated an animal”

    Archaeologists and biologists are agreed that there is strong evidence for two distinct domestication events from aurochs: B. taurus in the near east about 10,500 years ago, and B. indicus in the Indus valley of the Indian subcontinent about 7,000 years ago. There may have been a third auroch domesticate in Africa (tentatively called B. africanus), about 8,500 years ago. Yaks were domesticated in central Asia about 7,000-10,000 years ago.
    Recent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies also indicate that B. taurus was introduced into Europe and Africa where they interbred with local wild animals (aurochs). Whether these occurrences should be considered as separate domestication events is somewhat under debate. Recent genomic studies (Decker et al. 2014) of 134 modern breeds supports the presence of the three domestication events, but also found evidence for later migration waves of animals to and from the three main loci of domestication. Modern cattle are significantly different today from the earliest domesticated versions.
    In Africa, wild cattle were domesticated several thousand years before plants, and farming and herding spread patchily and slowly across the continent. The first undisputed remains of domesticated cattle appear in the African archaeological record about 5900 B.C. at a site in Chad, other studies suggest that cattle were domesticated in the same region as early as 9,000 years ago. At several sites across sub-Saharan Africa science has not found evidence of domesticated grains before 2000 B.C., suggesting that until then, people collected wild grains and did not plant their own.
    By 5500 B.C., domesticated wheat, barley, sheep and goats arrived in Egypt from the Near East. These animals were adopted by cattle-herding pastoralists along the Sahara's southern rim, but the grains did not make it beyond Egypt, probably because they require winter rain.
    The first native African grass to be domesticated was pearl millet. Impressions of the grain found in ceramics at Dar Tichitt in Mauritania date to about 1800 B.C., but archaeobotanists are excited about a recent find by Dr. Cathy D'Andrea of Simon Fraser University in Canada, from the Kintampo culture in Ghana that dates to 1740 B.C.
    Comparisons of the proteins of wild and domesticated grains suggest that domestication probably happened twice in western Africa -- in Mauritania and in the Air Mountains of Niger. Sorghum, the second grain domesticated in Africa, appears only in the first century A.D.
    Although they lack direct evidence, scholars know that pearl millet had to have been domesticated earlier in Africa, probably sometime between 2500 and 3000 B.C. The reason is that domesticated pearl millet has turned up at archaeological sites in India that are contemporaneous with its earliest occurrence in the African record, said Dr. Dorian Fuller, an archaeobotanist at University College London.
    The theory, Dr. Fuller said, was that the domesticated grain moved east from western Africa along the southern Sahara to the coast, and was spread to India by traders who sailed the Arabian Sea.
    The oldest domesticated plant in Africa is not a grain but the humble ancestor of today's juicy watermelon, domesticated seeds of which dating to 4000 B.C. were found in the 1980's in southern Libya. -all quoted from the NYTimes, Brenda Fowler 2004

    “No black society ever grew crops/had agriculture”

  28. The first agriculture in Africa began in the heart of the Sahara Desert, which in 5200 BC was far more moist and densely populated than today. Several native species were domesticated, most importantly pearl millet, sorghum and cowpeas, which spread through West Africa and the Sahel. The Sahara at this time was like the Sahel today. Its wide open fields made cultivation easy, but the poor soil and limited rain made intensive farming impossible. The local crops were also not ideal and produced fewer calories than those of other regions. These factors limited surpluses and kept populations sparse and scattered.
    North Africa took a very different route from the southern regions. Climatically it is linked to the Middle East and the Fertile Crescent, and the agricultural techniques of that region were adopted wholesale. This included a different set of crops, such as wheat, barley, and grapes. North Africa was also blessed by one of the richest agricultural regions in the world in the Nile River valley. With the arrival of agriculture, the Nile region became one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and Egypt home to one of the first civilizations.
    The drying of the Sahara created a formidable barrier between the northern and southern portions of the continent. Two important exceptions were Nubian Sudan, which was linked to Egypt by the Nile and Ethiopia, which could trade with the northern regions over the Red Sea. Powerful states grew up in these regions such as Kush in Nubia (modern day Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt) and Aksum in Ethiopia. Especially from Nubia, ideas and technologies from the Middle East and Europe reached the rest of Africa.
    Historians believe that iron working developed independently in Africa. Unlike other continents Africa did not have a period of copper and bronze working before their Iron Age. Copper is quite rare in Africa while iron is quite common. In Nubia and Ethiopia, iron, trade, and agricultural surpluses lead to the establishment of cities and civilizations.
    The Bantu expansion[edit]
    Further information: Bantu expansion
    Ordinarily, in the sparsely populated areas, this same period saw the expansion of the Bantu speaking peoples. The Bantu expansion began in Southern Cameroon around 4000 years ago. Bantu languages are spoken there today and there is archaeological evidence for incoming Neolithic farmers in Northern Gabon c. 3800 BC. It is known that Bantu expansion was extremely rapid and massive, but its exact engine remains controversial. This period predated iron, which appears in the archaeological record by 2500 BC.

    1. Just like most blacks you invent fantasy and you talk shit!
      The only thing blacks do well is crime!

    2. More cope and shithrowing than disproving

  29. One of the early expansions of Bantu was the migration of the Bubi to Fernando Po (Bioko). They were still using stone technology at first. The difficulties of cutting down the equatorial forest for farming have led to the suggestion that the primary expansion was along river valleys, a hypothesis supported by studies of fish names. Another factor may have been the arrival of southeast-Asian food crops, notably the AAB plantain, the cocoyam and the water-yam. Linguistic reconstructions suggest that the only livestock possessed by the proto-Bantu was the goat. Over the centuries the entire southern half of Africa was covered with the group, excluding only the Kalahari desert. Their expansion only ended relatively recently. In the year 1000, Arab traders described that the Bantu had not reached as far as Mozambique, and European settlers observed the Bantu expansion into South Africa under the Zulu and others.
    The importation Bantu pastoralism reshaped the continent's economy. Sometime in the first millennium, an equally important change began as crops began to arrive from Southeast Asia. The Indian Ocean has always been far more open to trade than the turbulent Atlantic and Pacific. Traders could ride the monsoon winds west early in the year and return east on them later. It is guessed that these crops first arrived in Madagascar, which also adopted Southeast Asian languages, sometime between AD 300 and 800. From the island, the crops crossed to African Great Lakes region. They included many crops, the most important being the banana.
    The banana and other crops allowed for more intensive cultivation in the tropical regions of Africa, this was most notable in the Great Lakes region, and area with excellent soil, that saw many cities and states form, their populations being fed largely

    PRIOR to the beginning of food production, pastoralists and farmers began movements across the continent that transformed African societies ultimately leading to complex political groupings.
    The beginning of modern day history in Africa can be established partly from the introduction and development of agricultural systems, domestic cultivation and cattle herding rooted in the years between 11000 and 3500 BC. During this period, the African climate was much wetter.
    The height of the wet period occurred between 9000 and 6000 BC. The Sahara Desert was transformed into fertile grasslands and savannah woods with rivers cascading down from the mountains.
    The Nile Valley became a rich source of food with abundant grains, wild game, fish and wild fowl. Shellfish harvested along coastal regions was another valuable source of food.
    In sustainable locations, permanent communities were formed and effective methods were devised for storing food with smoking and drying techniques being developed.
    As a result of improved nutrition, population growth occurred.

    1. The only way to end White supremacy is to send these people back to their great homelands in Africa, where they will never have to deal with Whitey again!
      Do the worse thing you can do to these Whites, leave them to their fate without the strength of diversity.

  30. The areas of the Upper Nile, Lake Chad and down south to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa were home to fishing communities who made a living bartering dried fish for grain and other products from the different communities based in their area.
    During this period, and likely concurrently with south-west Asia, innovative farming methods were introduced and developed in north-east Africa, which included the domestication of both plants and animals, the manufacture and use of stone and bone tools as well as pottery-making.
    In the Congo Basin and heavily wooded parts of Africa, forests and rainforests were cleared with the aid of polished stone axes designed specifically for agricultural purposes.
    Forest clearings for agricultural use in Africa is also linked to developments and use of iron and axes.
    Iron smelting, though previously thought to have been adopted, was invented in Africa at a time when Europe was still living in a Stone Age world.
    Iron was used in Africa for tools and for weapons.
    The use of metal was vital in accelerating agricultural development as well as paving the way for the nascent industrialisation.
    This advance enabled more land to be cleared for agricultural purposes and for hunting skills to be improved and to become far more effective.
    Some archaeologists now believe the foundations of communities in Africa could stretch back much earlier, when sedentary communities could have been based around the movement of wild game and the seasonal harvesting of wild crops 15 000 years prior to the coming of Christ.
    The environmental changes in the Sahara Desert occurred at the end of the Ice Age.
    A grain of corn found in this region dating back to approximately 19 000 years ago is proof of the early domestication of grass in Africa, at a time when Asia Minor and West Asia were covered in ice.
    The Western hypothesis that Egypt is the centre of Africa’s history, prior to spreading southwards into the rest of Africa was rejected by a Russian plant palaeontologist who gives Ethiopia, the Niger bend, the Sahel region, the Gambia, the Equatorial zones and the Zambezi River as possible regions where plant cultivation began in Africa.
    Agricultural expertise spread across all regions, establishing agricultural bases in Africa arounf 3000 BC; expanding the number of plants being cultivated and harvested.
    Raffia, oil palm, palm, peas, groundnuts and kola nuts were also grown, and the palm products growing in the vicinity were exploited.
    By this stage guinea fowl had also been domesticated.
    Wild sorghum was domesticated and cultivated in Central Sudan.
    At the same time pottery vessels to store grain and carry water were being created.
    In the Upper Niger basin, there was the cultivation and domestication of up to 24 nutritional and fibre plants south of the Sahara.
    Between 7000 and 5000 BC, pearl millet, gourds, melons, a variety of beans and yams were cultivated domestically.
    In the Niger Delta region, African rice (oryza glaberrima) started to be grown; though only recently proof of an African strain of rice has come to light.

    1. Blah blah blah blah blah! But you blacks to best run your mouth and say nothing! Blacks have done nothing except leech off white for all of history!

    2. Then how did all the things he mention exist before whites ventured past the Sahara

  31. African rice — hardier and more disease-resistant than Asian rice — is believed to have been first grown in West Africa 1 500 years ago; many years before the introduction of Indian rice (oryza satwa).
    African rice, possibly grown in the flood basin of Central Niger River, may have been transported westward to Senegal, south to the Guinea Coast, then east to Lake Chad by pre-historic indigenes during their migrations.
    Rice was also grown in the tidal river estuaries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone where rice farmers already used irrigation methods for growing their crops as well as a unique mixed cropping system.
    These early farmers also used salt water to eliminate weeds and unwanted vegetable from their farmland while fresh water was pumped in to irrigate the crops.
    These same agricultural practices were used on the slave plantations of South Carolina that was a major rice producer for over a century during the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
    There is a possibility that African slaves working these plantations may have been extremely knowledgeable about the techniques of rice cultivation.
    The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has estimated that rice was domesticated in Africa approximately
    6000 BC.
    The intensive process of growing and cultivating bananas further illustrates the innate agricultural skills which existed on the African continent.
    Early farmers in Uganda recognise that certain flowers, after blossoming, produced small fruits.
    Through cross fertilisation experiments, over a number of successive generations, these ancient farmers developed and produced the cooking plantain which today is a staple food and shapes the landscape in Africa, the Caribbean and Central America.
    The introduction and propagation of bananas gave access to a regular supply of feed that enabled herdsmen to expand their herds of livestock.
    This practice continues in some parts of the world.
    Bananas were introduced as a staple food on merchant vessels, also allowing trade to expand.
    Bananas were added to millet as a staple food for sea faring vessels; it is quite likely that bananas reached the Indian sub-continent from East Africa.
    The ability to grow cotton and supply many countries with cotton also demonstrates the agricultural skills that Africa already possessed prior to the Atlantic slave trade and European colonisation; and long before cotton weaving became a British industry.
    These skills had been developed across successive generations over thousands of years.
    African farmers practised inter-cropping for over 6 000 years.
    Eighty percent of African farmers still use a mixed inter-cropping system; these methods could have been adopted by American plantations during the era of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
    The development of agriculture was followed by trade; trade routes were formed which eventually extended into Europe and right across Asia as far as China and Japan.
    Crops originating from Africa such as pearl millet, sorghum and cow peas were introduced and also found in south-east Asia. Pearl millet reached south-east Asia around 2000 BC, or earlier; sorghum arrived in Korea around 1400 BC and cow peas, which originated from Africa, were cultivated in Korea around 1500 BC.

    1. Blacks of the dumbest humans on the planet!

      Notice what countries with the lowest IQs all have in common? they’re black!!

  32. for two-storey buildings, there are an abundance in Horn of Africa, particularly in the Ethiopian Highlands. There is, of course, the Lalibela Stone Churches, as well as other examples of elite buildings with multi-stories ranging from the Axumite Dungur Palace to the castle of Fasil Gebbi during the Solomonic dynasty. There is also th traditional tukul homes are/were often built with two storeys. Further out, we also see two or more storey buildings up and down the East African coast, at Mogadishu, Lamu, and Zanzibar, among others (cf. Coquery-Vidrovitch 2009)
    Similarly, traditional two-storey homes can be found in parts of West Africa, particularly among the Batammaliba of Benin/Togo. Their two story homes are part of family enclosures the evolution and use of which have been extensively written about by Suzanne Preston Blier. More monumental architecture can be seen in Medieval Sudanic works like the Tomb of Askia, as well as numerous mosques including the no longer extant Old Gao Mosque, but also extant and still in use buildings like the Great Mosque of Djenne and the Djinguereber Mosque. Archaeological investigations of Jenne-Jeno (McIntosh 1995), Yendi Dabari in northern Ghana (Shinnie and Ozanne 1962), and Koumbi Saleh (Insoll 2003) also show evidence for two-storey buildings. First hand accounts of European travelers also make note of multi-storey buildings. Natchfigal (1889) noted on his visit to Abeshr (Abeche) that the royal courtyard was flanked by "two red brick buildings with an upper storey" wherein "the upper storeys were window openings with wooden lattices, and all three of the houses which formed the buildings were coved in the bongo style with semi-spherical straws roofs...."
    There are also numerous examples of "multi-storey" architecture throughout Africa not used for dwellings. The huge walls forming the enclousure at Great Zimbabwe, for instance, but also the often extensive and elaborate urban walls of West Africa. Benin City, Oyo, and Ife-Ife among others all had extensive walls, often in concentric patterns both for defense as well as incorporating satellite settlements into the growing urban conglomeration (Es'Andah 1976, Monroe 2018).

    1. Blacks of the dumbest humans on earth!!
      Weaponized by Jews to do their bidding!

  33. “No group of Blacks ever traveled out of sub-Saharan Africa or created a sea worthy ship.”

    "No blacks ever left Sub Saharan Africa"

    Uh, Africans were the first people on Earth. Are you suggesting that humans never left Africa? What?

    1. Just a bunch of lying cultural Marxist bullshit!!

      The Black race is the dumbest earth has ever seen!

  34. Replies
    1. Reparations via repatriation!!
      Long live Marcus Garvey

  35. What the fuck is this racist as website all of you can get your KKK grandfather's dick and go to hell you bitches

  36. The fires and looting across the USA show the traits of the Negroids. This happens every time one of their own criminal race gets caught and brought to room temperature. You can see from the number of murders and shootings just in Chicago that the Negroid race is animal-like.
    American Indians never invented a wheel. Some South American Indian cultures did invent a wheel but only used it on toys and could not envision any further use for it. Asians and India Indians only got to the swords and wood wheel state until the arrival of the White Man.
    Evolution sees not evolution from ape to Human in the present day. You can take any number of Negroids and put them in Sweden and they will never evolve into a White Race. The white Jews are descended from Neanderthals.
    The "missing link" is that extraterrestrials did gene splicing to create new experimental races. If you removed all White Race people from Earth within a few months civilization would collapse. Soros is using his money to finance the ape destruction of the USA. B. Gates is using his connections to create viruses to reduce the population to 500 million per the Georgia Guide Stones. The Donald has a Jew spy son-in-law in his own W. House to send info right to Bibi who oversaw 911.

    The truth about what is going on in Seattle.
    Is the owner of this site even alive any more?????

  38. blacks still cling to tribal behavior and primative insticts...breeding and killing

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I will say this the welfare system and government handouts really put a damper on intelligence in black communities ,just as in white trailer park communities,in both cases , it produces dumb people with no desire to work,down south I see both, right along that path is alot of drug abuse as well , however the immigrant latins from mexico may not speak the language very well seem to work harder and apply themselves better...because they come from a 3rd world country where it is bad, same goes for Vietnamese, Korean , they love American opportunities , the India people get all the empty stores and motels , they love American money , seems the India women work harder than greedy India men I cant leave out North American Indian who were nearly decimated by genocide and are so few , its hard to say, but dont offer any liqour humble opinion is correct in most cases, at least in this poor southern city

  41. How ironic that a "christian" would have such bigotry towards other people. Those "subhuman thirdworlders" you speak so lowly of show more compassion towards others than you ever will, and yet you have the audacity to speak of christian values. Your country is the true whore of babylon, fall, fail, and be damned to hell alongside the rest of your wretched kind.

  42. Jews run America not whites moron... look at what hitler created from nothing in 6 years blacks could not do that in 600,000 years. Africans live currently the same way they always did in mud huts. Blacks run africa now why not do what hitler did and create all your own resources? You can't it's impossible for you! im sorry just admit it. You only enjoy murder cannibalism and tribal mentalities.
    Any group of whites if allowed can flourish in any environment anytime anywhere! If we gave blacks Texas and said here you go, it would blow up in 5 years just like Detroit and 100s of other examples.

  43. This whole thing is silly. Simple observation brings out the truth. Why is every single black city in America or Black Nation on the face of the earth a s*** hole?.
    Not some of them, not most of them but every single one?

    Last year the island of Iceland was all in arms because their murder rate doubled it went from 1 to 2 murders.

    Compare that with Haiti the capital city of Port or Prince had over 5,000 murders in just one city.

    The difference is black and white.

  44. This whole list is laughably stupid . That it barely deserves a reply , however to address what you mentioned about Africans not having domesticated animals or learning agriculture .. Did you know one of the most common occupations in Africa is Farming ?? The Zulu had domesticated cattle, and use cattle as a form of currency and symbol of prestige . Somali's keep cattle , Hausa keep cattle , its not uncommon to keep farm animals for consumption or work on the African continent . What kind of craziness did i just read ??

  45. All of the racists here are completely unintelligent and must have low iQ's if they believe Africans didn't farm..........that's like the most African thing to do. Besides bamileke architecture nubian architecture MALIAN architecture all made second story buildings if u click on the link it is a walkway in the ashanti kindom with multiple story buildings 😂 such ignorant racists here at least research something also for writing we have nsibidi and in the congo regions their is lusona which is able to do algebra 😂 infact I believe some teachers today use it for courses do better

    1. Go back to Africa and make Wakanda great!! you have done nothing and you can never do anything without whites!!

  46. Here is another

  47. Zimbabwe ruins

  48. African realism art

  49. Umm for all the people who say Africa ain't have horses........... do yall even have the right place in yall heads africa had horses ,DOMESTICATED dogs,cats and all sorts of animals horses where only used by royals and warriors because it was a precious creature considering the horse killing housefly they have in africa u cant have a horse killing horse fly .....with no horses here is some traditional Nigerian horse culture

    1. More lies! That’s one thing you iggersN do well is lie!

  50. But this is just racism people of color providing actual reasons and evidence against the fact that whites claim everyone EXCEPT them are savages whites just be like.....fake news.......lies........all u are is shit herders. But you racists will not do one click of African u just assume u know the history of the second biggest place on the planet yep all that land that has 4 different biomes yep it just all has the same outcome with the exact same ppl.........yall dont even know in the if u where to look at a small part of africa not even two peoples who live right next to each other are similar the most u will get to one similar African region is the congo region but even then they all had different views and architecture and way of dressing ,musical instruments like do yall racists even know the next most played instrument after a drum in africa is a harp 🤷🏿‍♂️ u prolly didn't know they have harps

    1. Just running your mouth like a typical knee grow!
      You don’t know your ass from a hole in
      The ground!

  51. Also not many modern African live in huts dumbasses..I cant believe ppl know soooooooo little about Africa how about .....actually go .Go to Nigeria or Botswana or Kenya or Rwanda or Congo Kinshasa do it tall me if u see huts or the cities of goma,Nairobi,Lagos 😂😭

  52. Whatever they live in they live in there because of white people!
    Blacks are truly the dumbest animals with two legs!

  53. The Hamitic hypothesis reached its apogee in the work of C. G. Seligman, who argued in his book The Races of Africa (1930) that:

    Apart from relatively late Semitic influence... the civilizations of Africa are the civilizations of the Hamites, its history is the record of these peoples and of their interaction with the two other African stocks, the Negro and the Bushmen, whether this influence was exerted by highly civilized Egyptians or by such wider pastoralists as are represented at the present day by the Beja and Somali... The incoming Hamites were pastoral Caucasians – arriving wave after wave – better armed as well as quicker witted than the dark agricultural Negroes.

  54. Seligman asserted that the Negro race was essentially static and agricultural, and that the wandering "pastoral Hamitic" had introduced most of the advanced features found in central African cultures, including metal working, irrigation and complex social structures.[19][7]:530 Despite criticism, Seligman kept his thesis unchanged in new editions of his book into the 1960s

    meaning that Nigerian guy that claimed the Benin people did metallurgy
    is wrong saying they created swords, spears, armor and had domesticated
    camels, horses an did agriculture when in actuality those were all given
    to them by the North Africans that are the Hamites that are and or were
    a Caucasian.

  55. Huge number of "white" Americans refusing to get vaccinated which is destroying the American economy.... sometimes i think that today's citizenry with an IQ of 100 if transported back in time two or three decades would only register as 75s..... lots or people didn't really understand vaccines very well but it's a brand spanking new level of stupidity to refuse them
